"Designing is not a profession but an attitude"

D&AD/New Blood


New Blood Awards is a category

from the British award D&AD aimed to

celebrate the new generation.

Every year, they release real client challenges

to young talents around the world.

Answering to the briefs, we were awarded

Best of Year for two consecutive years.

(2012 and 2013)



BBC Now was a prototype developed for BBC as an answer to the challenge of transforming online news from a static webpage into something that looks fresh, dynamic and relevant. The platform geolocates news and livestreams world facts, creating a timeline that allows news to be filtered by interest, date, or historical facts, and to be highlighted according to their interactions. [Best of Year - 2013 / Category - Digital]


RAB - Spots

These radio spots were created to promote Radioplayer, an online radio player. The challenge was to speak to those who work in front of a computer all day long, so we developed the concept "Change your office soundtrack”.  [Best of Year - 2012 / Category - Radio]


New Blood Festival

As part of the award, the D&AD promotes the New Blood Festival, an encounter where new talents can get together, show their work and meet creative minds from the industry, with guided visits through the agencies, portfolio reviews and close advice from them.

On June 2012, I went to London on a creative journey. I had the chance to get in touch with the creative minds from agencies like Mother, Anomaly, Poke, AKQA, Saatchi & Saatchi and Creature. I had great conversations with Mike Pearson e Joao Wilbert (Poke), Paul Graham (Anomaly), Stu Outhwaite (Creature), Andy Jex (Saatchi & Saatchi) and others.